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How to calculate the beneficiation ratio of tungsten ore
date:2023-07-16     source:锦强设备    click:

Tungsten ore beneficiation ratio refers to the ratio of the weight of tungsten extracted from the raw ore after beneficiation to the weight of tungsten in the raw ore, also known as tungsten recovery rate. The beneficiation ratio of tungsten ore is one of the important indicators for measuring the beneficiation effect of tungsten ore. This article will provide a detailed introduction to how to calculate the tungsten ore beneficiation ratio.

1、 Formula for calculating the beneficiation ratio of tungsten ore

The calculation formula for the beneficiation ratio of tungsten ore is as follows:

Tungsten ore beneficiation ratio=weight of extracted tungsten ÷ weight of tungsten in raw ore 100%

Among them, the weight of extracted tungsten refers to the weight of tungsten extracted from the raw ore after beneficiation; The weight of tungsten in the raw ore refers to the weight of tungsten contained in the raw ore.

2、 Steps for calculating the beneficiation ratio of tungsten ore

The specific steps for calculating the beneficiation ratio of tungsten ore are as follows:

1. Determine the weight of tungsten in the raw ore

Firstly, it is necessary to determine the weight of tungsten in the raw ore. This can be obtained by chemical analysis of the raw ore. Chemical analysis requires specialized laboratories and equipment, so it is generally completed by professional personnel.

2. Determine the weight of tungsten extracted after beneficiation

Mineral processing refers to the processing of tungsten ore in the raw ore and the separation of tungsten from the ore through physical or chemical methods. In the beneficiation process, it is necessary to perform crushing, screening, flotation, gravity separation and other operations on tungsten ore to improve the recovery rate of tungsten.

After beneficiation, the extracted tungsten needs to be weighed to determine the weight of the extracted tungsten.

3. Calculate the beneficiation ratio of tungsten ore

According to the above formula, the tungsten ore beneficiation ratio can be calculated. Taking the weight of tungsten extracted as 10 tons and the weight of tungsten in the raw ore as 20 tons, the calculation formula is as follows:

Tungsten ore beneficiation ratio=10 ÷ 20 100%=50%

Therefore, the tungsten ore beneficiation ratio is 50%.

3、 Factors affecting the beneficiation ratio of tungsten ore

The beneficiation ratio of tungsten ore is influenced by various factors, including the following aspects:

1. Grade of tungsten ore

The grade of tungsten ore refers to the content of tungsten in the ore. The higher the grade, the more tungsten is contained in the raw ore, which means that the weight of tungsten extracted will be higher, and the tungsten ore dressing ratio will also be higher.

2. Mineral processing technology

Mineral processing technology refers to the physical or chemical methods used in the mineral processing process. Different beneficiation processes have different effects on the beneficiation ratio of tungsten ore. Generally speaking, using flotation, gravity separation and other beneficiation processes can improve the recovery rate of tungsten.

3. Mineral processing equipment

The performance and quality of beneficiation equipment will also have an impact on the tungsten ore beneficiation ratio. Efficient and stable beneficiation equipment can improve the recovery rate of tungsten, thereby increasing the beneficiation ratio of tungsten ore.

4. Technical level of beneficiation operators

The technical level of the 钨矿选矿比怎么计算 beneficiation operators is also one of the factors affecting the tungsten ore beneficiation ratio. High level beneficiation operators can master more advanced beneficiation techniques, improve the recovery rate of tungsten, and thus improve the beneficiation ratio of tungsten ore.


The beneficiation ratio of 钨矿选矿比怎么计算 tungsten ore is one of the important indicators for measuring the beneficiation effect of tungsten ore, and also an important standard for measuring the performance of beneficiation technology and equipment. This article introduces how to calculate the tungsten ore beneficiation ratio and the factors that affect the tungsten ore beneficiation ratio. In actual production, it is necessary to select appropriate beneficiation processes and equipment according to the specific situation, improve the technical level of beneficiation operators, improve the tungsten ore beneficiation ratio, reduce costs, and improve economic benefits.
