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Technological process for extracting tungsten and tin from tungstic acid sludge
date:2023-07-16     source:锦强矿业设备    click:

Tungsten acid sludge is a type of waste generated during the tungsten ore beneficiation process, which contains a large amount of tungsten and tin resources. Therefore, how to efficiently extract tungsten and tin from tungstic acid sludge has become a focus of attention for mining enterprises. This article will introduce a technical process for extracting tungsten and tin from tungstic acid sludge, hoping to provide some reference for related industries.

1、 The principle of extracting tungsten and tin from tungstic acid sludge

Tungsten and tin in tungstic acid sludge mainly exist in the form of tungsten trioxide and tin oxide. Therefore, the main principle of extracting tungsten and tin is to reduce tungsten trioxide and tin oxide to the metallic form of tungsten and tin. Specifically, the process of extracting tungsten tin can be divided into the following steps:

钨酸泥渣中提钨锡技术工艺1. Pre treatment: Crush, screen, and dry the tungstic acid sludge to improve extraction efficiency.

2. Reduction: Place the pre treated tungstic acid sludge and reducing agent together in a reduction furnace for reduction reaction. Reducing agents can choose from hydrogen, carbon reducing agents, etc. The temperature and time of the reduction reaction need to be adjusted according to the specific situation.

3. Separation: Separate the reduced substance to obtain substances containing tungsten and tin.

4. Refining: Refining substances containing tungsten and tin to obtain pure tungsten and pure tin.

2、 Process flow for extracting tungsten and tin from tungstic acid sludge

The following is a process flow for extracting tungsten and tin from tungstic acid sludge for reference:

1. Pre treatment: Crush, screen, and dry the tungstic acid sludge to obtain a particle size of less than 3mm.

2. Reduction: Put tungstic acid sludge and reducing agent (hydrogen) in a certain proportion into a reduction furnace for reduction reaction. The reduction temperature is 800-1000 ℃, and the reduction time is 1-2 hours.

3. Separation: Separate the reduced substance to obtain substances containing tungsten and tin. Separation can be carried out using either gravity or flotation methods. Among them, the gravity separation method can use heavy medium separation or centrifugal separation, while the flotation method can use zinc oxide or iron oxide as collectors.

4. Refining: Refining substances containing tungsten and tin to obtain pure tungsten and pure tin. Refining can be achieved by electrolysis or molten salt electrolysis. Among them, the molten salt electrolysis method has the advantages of high efficiency and environmental protection.

Notes on extracting tungsten and tin from tungstic acid sludge

During the process of extracting tungsten and tin from tungstic acid sludge, the following points need to be noted:

1. Selection of reducing agents: Different reducing agents have a significant impact on extraction efficiency and cost. Although hydrogen has high efficiency, its cost is relatively high. Although carbon reducing agents have low costs, the generated CO2 can have an impact on the environment.

2. Selection of separating agents: Different separating agents have a significant impact on separation efficiency and cost. Although heavy medium separation has high efficiency, its cost is high. Although zinc oxide flotation method has low cost, it has an impact on the environment.

3. Adjustment of process parameters: The tungsten and tin contents in tungstic acid sludge are different, and the reduction temperature and time, as well as the amount of separating agent, need to be adjusted according to the specific situation.

钨酸泥渣中提钨锡技术工艺4. Selection of refining process: Although the electrolysis method has high accuracy, its cost is relatively high. Although the molten salt electrolysis method has low cost, it requires high equipment requirements.


The technical process of extracting tungsten and tin from tungstic acid sludge is a complex process that requires comprehensive consideration of factors such as extraction efficiency, cost, and environmental protection. This article introduces a technical process for extracting tungsten and tin from tungstic acid sludge, hoping to provide some reference for related industries. In practical operation, adjustments and optimizations need to be made according to specific circumstances to achieve the best extraction effect.
