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Gravity beneficiation method for titanium ore sand
date:2023-07-16     source:锦强矿业装备    click:

Titanium ore sand is an important mineral resource widely used in aviation, aerospace, military, chemical and other fields. In order to improve the grade and recovery rate of titanium ore, the gravity beneficiation method of titanium ore is widely used. This article will introduce the operating steps and precautions of the gravity beneficiation method for titanium ore sand.

Principle of gravity beneficiation method for titanium ore sand

The gravity beneficiation method of titanium ore sand mainly utilizes the principle of gravity action to achieve the separation and purification of minerals through the different settling velocities of minerals with different densities in the gravity field.

2、 Operating steps of gravity beneficiation method for titanium ore sand

钛矿砂重力选矿方法1. Ore crushing: The raw ore is processed through crushing, grinding, and other processes to achieve a suitable particle size for gravity beneficiation.

钛矿砂重力选矿方法2. Slurry preparation: Mix the crushed ore with water to make a slurry. The solid content in the slurry should be controlled between 10% and 15%.

3. Selection of gravity beneficiation equipment: Select appropriate gravity beneficiation equipment based on the density and particle size of minerals. The commonly used gravity beneficiation equipment includes heavy medium beneficiation machines, spiral beneficiation machines, centrifugal beneficiation machines, etc.

4. Gravity beneficiation process: The slurry is added to the gravity beneficiation equipment and gravity separation is carried out based on the different working principles of the equipment. In general, heavy minerals will deposit at the bottom of the equipment, while light minerals will float on the surface of the slurry.

钛矿砂重力选矿方法5. Gravity beneficiation tailings treatment: The tailings generated during the gravity beneficiation process are treated using methods such as flotation or magnetic separation to improve the mineral recovery rate.

3、 Precautions for gravity beneficiation method of titanium ore sand

1. The particle size of the ore should be controlled within an appropriate range, as either too fine or too coarse can affect the gravity beneficiation effect.

2. The solid content in the slurry should be controlled between 10% and 15%, and too high or too low will affect the gravity beneficiation effect.

3. Choose appropriate gravity beneficiation equipment based on the density and particle size of the minerals.

4. Adjustment and maintenance of gravity beneficiation equipment, including adjustment of equipment inclination angle, water flow rate, feed concentration and other parameters, as well as equipment cleaning and maintenance.

5. Tailings should be treated using appropriate methods to improve the recovery rate of minerals.

4、 Conclusion

The gravity beneficiation method of titanium ore sand is a simple, economical, and effective beneficiation method, which is of great significance for improving the grade and recovery rate of titanium ore sand. In practical applications, it is necessary to operate according to the specific situation and pay attention to the precautions during the beneficiation process to achieve the best beneficiation effect.
