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Titanium ore beneficiation process flow
date:2023-07-16     source:锦强有色矿业设备    click:

Titanium ore is an important mineral resource, which is widely used in aviation, aerospace, military, medical, chemical and other fields. Due to its rich content of titanium metal elements, the beneficiation process of titanium ore sand is particularly important. This article will provide you with a detailed introduction to the beneficiation process of titanium ore sand, helping you better understand the processing process of titanium ore sand.

Basic characteristics of titanium ore sand

Titanium ore is a black or brown mineral mainly composed of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and iron oxides. Its hardness is high, its specific gravity is large, and it has a certain degree of magnetism. Titanium ore sand is usually found in beach sand, riverbed sand, gravel, and other places, and is an important marine mineral resource.

2、 The beneficiation process flow of titanium ore sand

1. Grinding

In the beneficiation process of titanium ore, the first step is to grind it to a certain Granularity. Grinding can be carried out using equipment such as ball mills and grinders.

2. Reselection

After grinding, titanium ore sand needs to be re selected to separate the titanium metal elements from it. Gravity separation can be carried out using methods such as heavy medium beneficiation, heavy liquid beneficiation, and centrifugal beneficiation. Among them, heavy liquid beneficiation is a common beneficiation method, which can use sodium polysulfate, Sodium tungstate and other heavy liquids to separate titanium ores.

3. Magnetic separation

During the gravity separation process, there may also be some magnetic substances present in the titanium ore sand that require magnetic separation treatment. Magnetic separation can be carried out using equipment such as high gradient magnetic separators and wet magnetic separators.

钛矿砂选矿工艺流程4. Flotation

During the magnetic separation process, there may also be some non-magnetic substances in titanium ore sand that require flotation treatment. Flotation can be carried out using methods such as air flotation, oil flotation, and reagent flotation.

5. Dry selection

After flotation treatment, there may still be some moisture in the titanium ore sand, which requires dry separation treatment. Dry separation can be carried out using equipment such as air separation machines and dry separation machines.

6. Selection

After dry separation, most of the titanium metal elements have been separated from the titanium ore sand, but there may still be some impurities. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct selective treatment to improve the grade of titanium ore sand. Selection can be carried out using methods such as manual beneficiation, light beneficiation, and electric beneficiation.

3、 Summary

The beneficiation process of titanium ore sand is a complex process that requires multiple steps of processing to obtain high-grade titanium ore sand. Different beneficiation methods are suitable for different ore types and properties, so in actual production, it is necessary to choose according to specific situations. I hope this article can provide you with some help to better understand the beneficiation process of titanium ore sand.
