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Mineral processing process flow of granular sand tungsten tin ore
date:2023-07-20     source:锦强选矿设备    click:

Granular tungsten tin ore is an important mineral resource with broad application prospects. However, due to its complex mineral composition and difficulty in separation, the beneficiation process of granular sand tungsten tin ore is relatively complex. This article will introduce a relatively mature beneficiation process for granular sand tungsten tin ore, for readers' reference.

1、 Preparation before beneficiation

1. Sampling analysis: Sample the ore and conduct laboratory analysis to determine the mineral composition, grade, and other parameters of the ore, providing a basis for subsequent mineral processing work.

2. Study of Mineralogy characteristics: study the main minerals in the ore to understand their physical and chemical properties, crystal morphology, etc., to provide a basis for formulating the beneficiation scheme.

3. Determine the beneficiation process flow: according to the mineral composition, grade and other parameters of ore, and in combination with Mineralogy characteristics, develop a reasonable beneficiation process flow.

2、 Mineral processing process flow

1. Coarse selection: The granular sand tungsten tin ore is roughly selected, and the gravity separation method is used to separate metal minerals such as tungsten, tin, and copper from non-metallic minerals in the ore. Commonly used gravity sorting equipment includes gravity sorting machines, spiral sorting machines, etc.

2. Cleaning: The roughly selected ore is cleaned and separated from valuable metal minerals such as copper and lead by flotation method. Commonly used flotation equipment includes flotation machines, air flotation separators, etc.

3. Selection: The cleaned ore is selected using a combination of gravity and flotation methods to further separate metal minerals such as tungsten and tin from valuable metal minerals in the ore. Commonly used selection equipment includes gravity separators, flotation machines, etc.

4. Tailings treatment: The tailings generated during the beneficiation process are treated using tailings recovery technology to recover useful minerals and reduce resource waste.

3、 Process optimization

In actual production, in order to improve beneficiation efficiency and product grade, it is necessary to optimize the beneficiation process flow. There are several commonly used optimization methods:

1. Improving beneficiation equipment: Adopting new beneficiation equipment to improve beneficiation efficiency and grade.

2. Optimization of reagent ratio: Optimize the ratio of beneficiation reagents to improve beneficiation efficiency.

3. Control of beneficiation process parameters: Control the beneficiation process parameters to ensure the stability and controllability of the beneficiation process.

4. Strengthen tailings treatment: Strengthen tailings treatment work, improve tailings recovery rate, and reduce resource waste.

4、 Conclusion

The beneficiation process flow of granulated sand tungsten tin ore is a complex work. It is necessary to analyze the mineral composition, grade and other parameters of the ore, and formulate a reasonable beneficiation process flow in combination with Mineralogy characteristics. In actual production, it is necessary to continuously optimize the beneficiation process flow, improve beneficiation efficiency and product grade to meet market demand.
