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Treatment of slag from domestic waste power plants
date:2023-07-20     source:锦强矿业设备    click:

With the continuous acceleration of urbanization, the amount of household waste is also increasing. In order to solve this problem, more and more cities are starting to build domestic waste power plants. However, during the operation of household waste power plants, the generated slag has also become a new problem. This article will introduce the treatment methods of household waste power plant slag.

1、 Characteristics of household waste power plant slag

The slag of domestic waste power plant refers to the solid waste generated in the process of domestic Incineration. This type of waste has the following characteristics:

1. High temperature: The temperature of household waste power plant slag is generally above 1000 ℃, and even up to around 1400 ℃.

2. High alkalinity: The pH value of household waste power plant slag is generally around 12, which belongs to alkaline substances.

生活垃圾电厂炉渣处理3. High content: The content of household waste in power plant slag is very high, usually around 20% to 30%.

生活垃圾电厂炉渣处理 II. Treatment Method for Slag from Domestic Waste Power Plants

There are many methods for treating household waste from power plant slag, and below we will introduce several common methods.

1. Water quenching method

Water quenching method refers to the process of cooling furnace slag in water, allowing it to quickly cool and become granular. The advantage of this method is that it is simple and feasible, and can reduce the temperature and alkalinity of the slag, reducing its impact on the environment. However, this method also has some drawbacks, such as producing a large amount of wastewater and exhaust gas, which can cause pollution to the environment.

2. Magnetic separation method

Magnetic separation method refers to the use of magnetic separation technology to treat slag and separate magnetic substances from it. The advantage of this method is that it can effectively reduce the content of slag and reduce its impact on the environment. However, this method also has some drawbacks, such as requiring a large amount of equipment and manpower investment and high costs.

生活垃圾电厂炉渣处理3. Curing method

The solidification method refers to the process of mixing slag with a certain proportion of cement, lime, and other materials for solidification. The advantage of this method is that it can solidify the slag into a hard substance, reducing its impact on the environment. However, this method also has some drawbacks, such as requiring a large amount of material input and high cost.

3、 Conclusion

The treatment of household waste power plant slag is a complex process that requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors. In practical applications, different processing methods can be selected based on specific situations. Regardless of the method used, it is necessary to pay attention to environmental issues and minimize the impact on the environment.