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Operation method of spiral chute in Ilmenite beneficiation
date:2023-07-20     source:huang    click:

Operation method of spiral chute in Ilmenite beneficiation I Brief introduction Glass fiber reinforced plastic spiral chute is a combination of the characteristics of gravity beneficiation spiral chute, gravity beneficiation spiral chute, shaking table, and centrifuges used for beneficiation. After the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry organized relevant scientific research, design, school or beneficiation company and other units passed the operation appraisal, it was recognized that this kind of mechanical performance is excellent, and the separation index is advanced, and it was awarded the Scientific and Technological Research Achievement Award by the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, Now it is widely used in nonferrous and Ferrous. This machine is used to separate iron ore, ferrotitanium, ferrochrome, pyrite, zircon ore, Rutile, monazite, phosphate ore, tungsten ore sand, tin ore, tantalum niobium ore, niobium ore and other non-ferrous metal ores, rare mineral metals and non-metallic minerals with density and specific gravity difference from fine and small materials with Granularity of 0.3-0.02 mm. 2、 The mortar with the same working principle is slowly fed onto the surface of the spiral groove through the feeding chute installed at the end of the rotating groove head, and selected for operation. The tail of the rotating groove is equipped with a valve block type product cutting groove, which divides the sorting equipment into three categories according to grade along the radial direction. By adjusting the position of the valve block to change the acquisition width of each product, the equipment gathering hopper enables the selected multi head ore flow to converge and export separately. The cross-section of the spiral chute and the slope of the curve change greatly, which is applied to the selection of fine ore materials. Operation method of spiral chute in Ilmenite beneficiation  钛铁矿选矿中螺旋溜槽操作方法 III. Special features 1. Stable beneficiation steps and easy operation 2. Large allowable variation range of feed density 3. Very high enrichment ratio and high recovery probability 4. Small area occupied and low water consumption 5. Simple structure without power 6. Strong processing capacity 7. Simple installation and operation 8. Small investment and quick results  钛铁矿选矿中螺旋溜槽操作方法 Operation method of spiral chute in Ilmenite beneficiation 4 The structure of the fiberglass chute consists of a feeding equalizer, a cross (tripod), a feeding chute, a rotating chute, a receiving chute, a gathering bucket, and a trough support. Operation method of spiral chute in Ilmenite beneficiation V. Application field Glass fiber reinforced plastic spiral chute is suitable for separating fine iron, ferrotitanium, ferrochrome, ferrosulfide, sand tin, tantalum niobium, placer gold, coal, monazite, Rutile, zircon sand, rare earth and other metal and nonferrous metal minerals with completely sufficient specific gravity difference.  钛铁矿选矿中螺旋溜槽操作方法 Operation method of spiral chute in Ilmenite beneficiation